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The Taiping Rebellion

The Internal Affairs of the Qing Dynasty

With the weakening and eventual disintegration of the Qing Dynasty, by 1680 the destiny of Asian countries surrounding China had begun to take a different turn. First of all, under the impact of the Taiping rebellion, the mutinies of Nian and the Muslims erupted one after the other.  The Taiping Rebellion      Around 1850, […]

Bone Horn and Tusk Crafts

Bone, Horn and Tusk Crafts

Bones, horns, and fangs of domestic and wild animals are boiled and used for creating various items. TUSK ENGRAVING Nomadic Mongolians have used the tusks and teeth of wild and domesticated animals for various craftworks. Among them, a tusk sculpture by S. Sengee is amazing. Marked as the best of this kind of art in […]

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