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1280px Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov 1919


Meanwhile, in Northeast Asia, Japan’s interest in the Mongolian issue grew significantly. the Japanese warlords had realized that the creation of one large united Mongolia would help exert pressure on China and create favorable grounds for the Japanese occupation of the Russian Far East. The Japanese had at their disposal the half-Mongolian ataman Semenov. Together […]


How Did Mongols Impact The World War II

On June 22, 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin and, in violation of the Non-attacked the Soviet Union with enormous force. Hitler’s blitzkrieg plan, Barbarossa, was into motions and within a few months, Hitler’s army reached Moscow (World War II). World War II It had become apparent that the world was to be divided into new spheres […]


Western Civilization

Western civilization is the youngest of all world civilizations. Scholars suggest that it originated around 700-800 A.C. The Western civilization found its true form during the 15th century in Southern Europe and was founded on the ruins created by the Mongols. After the collapse of the great civilizations of Greece and Rome, Europe went through […]

Tsar Russia

Russia’s Campaign

Russia’s Negotiation with Japan Russia and Japan were worried about Mongolia’s declaration of independence in the midst of the Chinese revolution. It was clear to both of them that it would be unwise to give the Mongols this much freedom. On August 4th, 1911, the Russian government reached a decision to implement a “gentle” policy […]


Manchu Control of Chinese-Mongol Relations

The monasteries that had sprung up in every corner of the country not only satisfied the spiritual needs of the Mongols but also served as centers of commerce and exchange of commodities. Every monastery, then, had either a small branch of a Chinese trading company or a commercial agent, which would collect raw material from […]

Development of Wooden Engraving from 18th Century Mongolia 5

Development of Wooden Engraving from 18th Century Mongolia

Wood engraving has two main types: half engraving and whole engraving. There is a template of engraving that is called tsoi in Mongolia. The whole engraving is used for making a variety of items, such as the horse curry comb, a chest, a newspaper table, a tiger-legged table, a bed, and a cast of traditional cookie, […]

Milatarist Mongolia

Militarist Mongolia

In January 1966, Leonid Brezhnev visited Militarist Mongolia. The delegation included Andrei Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Marshal Malinovsky, Minister of Defense. This was the first time a group of such high-level Soviet representatives had visited the country. The main purpose of the visit was to station a large contingent of Soviet troops in […]

Urga Medal

Asian Cavalry Division

At this time Baron Roman von Urgern-Sternberg, also known as the “Mad Baron” and the “Bloody Baron”, “began his bloodbath in Mongolia. Urgern’s invasion of Mongolia immortalized his name and altered the course of Mongolia’s destiny. The Baron’s Faulty Calculations       It still remains a mystery whether Semenov knew that Urgern, commanding his troops, […]

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Between Benefit and Persecution

During the 1950s and 1960s, Mongolia’s nomadic community experienced and intellectual explosion. Since almost all the intellectuals had been killed during the repression of the late 1930s, Mongolian intellectual life has been devastated, and it was in his vacant space than an entirely new intelligentsia was formed on the Western model.  Among the 50,000 professional […]

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