Spells and Incantation Spells and incantations are the forms of ancient folklore. They endeavour to achieve their ends through the supernatural powers of words, sounds, and gestures. Mongolian spells and incantations can be divided into ordinary and special forms. Ordinary spells and incantations are those that can be enchanted by anyone; special spells and incantations, […]
Traditional Folk Knowledge and Technology
The Action and Content of The Epic ‘Eriin Sain Khan Kharangui’
About the epic ‘Eriin sain Khan Kharangui’, the beginning is the unusual birth of the hero, its power and eulogy of the mountains and rivers. In the first part of the epic ‘Eriin sain Khan Kharangui’ we hear: Khan Kharangui Was born and Rebelled against The heaven, He also rebelled […]
How the Death Of Ambagai Khan Started Mongol Empire
Legends of Historical Events The legends of the past events in Mongolian history and of renowned people in history belong to the legends of historical events. Those legends were transmitted through oral and written forms to us. There are many legends of Chinggis Khan, of his generals, of Mandukhai the wise queen, of […]
Myth of Mother Mount(Eej Khairkhan)
The Legend of Mother Mountain(Eej Khairkhan) Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl whose name was Eej Khairkhan, which means mother mount. Her beauty illuminated nearby places. But one day Burkhan buudai khan from a far country abducted her and took her to his birth place. Burkhan buudai khan was fierce and mean, […]
Mongolian Epics
One of the richest legacies developed by Mongolians for many centuries is the lengthy heroic epics. An epic is the largest genre of poetry and it was formed in the process of folklore development. Everybody is interested in how and when the epics originated. These magnificent expressions of the cultural legacy of Mongols likely originated […]
How Mongolian Great Queen(Alungua) Taught Us About Teamwork
The legends are a popular genre of prose oral literature. The real-life legends are always complimentary expressions of historical events within folk literature. Even though the historical facts are usually adorned with fanciful magic and metaphoric devices, these often later became historical legends. In other words, old sayings are enriched. The old legends can be […]
How to Make Mongolian Food? Boodog, Milk Tea, Airag
Mongolian food is adjusted to the condition of the way of life. It can be divided into milk products, meat or meat products, and vegetable or green products. Mongolians produced over 3,000 types of food and beverages. Let’s take samples. Milk Slim This is a type of dairy product. It doesn’t need much skill. It […]
Folk Arithmetic and Mathematics
Folk Arithmetic and Mathematic The number of skins Are the same as the sum of numbers multiplied; The number of skins Show the number of missed arrows. Resolve this problem: How many arrows have scored a hit? How many skins were hit? How many arrows missed their target? Who can tell it? If you […]
Folk Beliefs and Rituals
The Pendant of the Jade axe It was and is still a common tradition among Mongolians to embellish a baby’s rug, swaddling clothes and coats with various pendent which are deemed to be propitious for babies. These omens are precious stone, silver, copper-axe, bows and arrows, bells, models of felt-fox, shells, ankle-bones of stags, fangs […]