Under the Bogd Khan and autonomous governments, the Mongols, on their own initiative, attempted many reform policies, notwithstanding that they lacked organization and commitment. The Mongols had learned from the experiences of the past ten years that until the basic foundations of their society-the old, obsolete and traditional state structures were overhauled, reform could not […]
Limited Monarchy
Soviet-Mongolian Friendship Talks
In mid-September 1921, a meeting of the People’s Government of Mongolia considered the issues of establishing friendly relations with the Soviet Union and substituting it through legal treaties and documents. It also decided to send an official delegation of the Mongolian People’s Government to Moscow headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, and member […]
The People’s and the National Government
After Xu Shuzeng and Urgern were driven out, the number of Chinese peasants in the north of Mongolia dwindled drastically. In 1911 they numbered almost one hundred thousand but dropped to eight numbers never approached the 1911 level. In other words, after this disorganized attack, the Mongols achieved what they had always wanted. Outer Mongolia […]