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Border Exchanged with Homeland

Since Tuva separation from Mongolia, border disputes between Mongolia and Tuva had arisen. When Molotov arrived in Ulaanbaatar as an Ambassador in July 1957, he re-opened the border problem issue between Tuva and Mongolia.  A Stubborn Avarzed       In November 1957, a decree from the Politburo of the MPRP to approve the government commission […]

Choibalsans Dream

Choibalsan’s Dream

Choibalsan had been thinking a lot about Great Mongolia. He seems to have been deeply imbued with the idea of uniting it while was in a close relationship with Rinchino. However, he saw with his own eyes how the USSR would hinder this vision. Even the territory of Buriat-Mongol had been divided by the Russians […]

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Everything at our store is Made in Mongolia

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