Once upon a time she-wolf lived together with her cubs, killing and eating steppe antelope, mountain deer, horses and other livestock. One day accompanied by her two cubs, she came upon a herd of horses and a flock of sheep. I will catch and eat a sheep said one of the cubs and the mother wolf agreed. I will catch and eat one of those fat infertile mares said other. No the mother wolf said you can’t eat the fat infertile mare. Better you should catch and eat the gaunt chestnut horse. Why? asked the cub. Because if you catch the mare you will eat too much and then you may not be able to run from the herder and you’ll be killed, the mother wolf replied. But the cub did not obey the mother wolf’s warning. It rushed towards the mares, felled one and began to eat. The animals were frightened the stallions were neighing and the sheep kicking up dust. The herders came running. The she wolf seeing them run away along the valley. But the cub had felled the mare though it ran at full speed up till hill soon grew tired and weak was bitten at the muzzle and died. After running a while the she wolf looked back and saw that the horse herder was catching up her cub hanging from his saddle. His horse might be the colt of an old mare she thought so the side of its nose must be thin. I must run against the wind and then he won’t catch up to me. But this didn’t work. Maybe its the colt of a young mare and its heart is bad she thought and began to run downhill. This didn’t work either. Maybe its the colt of a middle aged mare she thought so its limbs are stiff. She ran up high mountain. This time the mother was right, and she managed to escape.
Wolves like to she wolf in the story are heavenly-clever animals with heavenly endowed instincts. There is a reason wolves tear off the thighs of pedigreed swift horses. Swift horses are dangerous because they are able to catch up to wolves, so the wolves take so the wolves take this measure preemptively. I once heard the writer Purevdorj talk about livestock-breeder Tseden Alivaa of Gobi Altai province’s Sharga county and how Tseden had a fleet chestnut horse with a contracted muscle in back of his thigh. Hunters and herdsmen report numerous examples of the wolf’s intelligence. My father once told me that a high-ranking official chased a wolf in the night on the eastern steppe. The wolf became very tired and disappeared suddenly. With the help of car headlights they saw that the wolf had climbed a telephone pole and stayed there clinging to it. In Matad Gobi, some people chased a wolf with a helicopter. The wolf ran into a hollow of feather grass and disappeared. Later they found the wolf lying on its back among the feather grass holding tumbleweed above itself to keep hidden. There are many accounts of wolves stalking sheep with tumbleweed in their jaws to conceal themselves behind it. In 1996 a great fire spread in a place called Tsegsuukhei in Jargalant county Khuvsgul province. Local herders saw a wolf roll over and over in a muddy pond and once it was drenched with mud lope through the flames and safely penetrate the fire line. Ardiin erkh newspaper reported the sighting. The same year, a forest burned in a place called Big Silverweed in Tariat county, Arkhangai province. Out of the burning forest two wolves emerged holding between them by their teeth a hollow piece of wood into which they had placed their cubs. In Namnan mountain between the khuvsgul and Bulgan provinces people putting out a fire saw a wolf run into the flames come out with a cub between its teeth roll several times in the snow and be gone.
In my birthland of Khyargas, Uvs province I saw a wolf get injured in the trap my relative had set beside a carrion. When the old man tracked the wolf I came with him. Our Khyargas has plenty of Khirgis tombs and stone monuments. When we tracked down the wolf it hung unconscious from the top of a meter high monument. Apparently the wolf had tried to catch the trap on the monument to pull its leg out. It was really very clever. In Five Hills I once chased a wolf whose front leg was caught in a trap. When the wolf ran the trap would hit its legs slowing it down. Then the wolf stopped looked at me threw the trapped leg over its neck and began to run with three legs the trap on its back. I couldn’t catch up to it and got away.

Purevdorj said Soldiers in Selenge province put two tents beside one another hung a sheep carcass on the pole between the tents and slept. Early the next morning they saw that in the night the sheep carcas has all been eaten but for the head feel and bowels. Forty soldiers slept in those tents he said and laughing.
Once when Choton was at top of a mountain looking through binocular he saw a wolf trotting along the road. Suddenly a UAZ-469 Russian jeep appeared. The wolf immediately lay down in the grass. After the jeep had passed the wolf stood up and disappeared running through the dust lifted by the jeep. When people refine their methods to kill wolves wolves refine their methods to save themselves. reflected Choton.
Juvaan said Once I set out to hunt with three friends. We hid our car behind a rock. I howled and looked through the binoculars. Three wolves appeared from the direction we had come. We hid and watched. They came upto our tracks stopped abruptly and began to sniff. The first wolf to arrive at the tracks began to bark hav hav.