Student-type instrument. Good for learning. Carving relatively simple. Average wood quality. Made by Manufacturing Method, To make it in bulk quantity, make in the process includes more than 3 person who has it’s own duty to make certain parts.
Medium to the professional quality instrument. Good for learning and playing concerts. Carving is detailed. Quality of wood is good. Rich sound.Made by Handmade methods which solely on one average skilled craftsman.
The instrument for the real professional, enthusiast and/or collector. Very detailed carving and details. Very high-quality wood. Deep and rich sound. There are Fa and Si note strings in the instrument. Standard note Semi-PRO in strings makes the sound melodic, therefore becoming more and more easy to learn. The amplitude of the sound wave is the same at every push on the string. Standard size.Made by one of the Few Mongolian Master Craftsman.
What is Tovshuur?
a two-stringed and skinned instrument made from a 4-foot long spoon-alike nomad tool for airag making, especially popular in Oirat territories. Topshur has two types of heads ie Ibex Head and Swan Head (Khun Khets Tovshuur.
Yatug-a zithers – a plucked zither which is used in two sizes nowadays:
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