Korkhoi Aaruul
“Worm Aaruul” is a variation in the shape of little strands, often sweetened. Don’t press the fresh material, but put it through a meat grinder (available in every Mongolian household) into small “worms”. Arrange those in little heaps for drying. This type of Aaruul is easier to chew (especially for children),
- Packed easier to eat
- High calcium in the dried curd is good for children’s growth and teething.
- Mongolian traditional curd-making technology is matched with modern standards.
- Rich in vitamin С, D, В, А, protein and fat.
A little too sweet but overall good
How much of this is normally consumed in a sitting? Is it a breakfast cereal equivalent? It is so good! The texture is more crumbly than pasty, the flavor exquisite!
Didn’t expect it to have sugar
Love it!