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The State Fire Hearth


According to Mongolian Shamanist consideration, any fire, a family-hearth (in Mongolia Gal Golomt) in particular, is sacred and revered as a symbol and source of good things.

     Even in the thirteenth century, it was taboo to touch the fire or anything cooking on it with a knife, or even to chop wood near it. Moreover, since the sixteenth century, Mongols have avoided putting anything dirty, smelly, rotted, or unclean on the fire, will not pour water or spirit on it or pass anything over it according to Dorje Banzarov. He noted that no proper household or family could be without its own fire hearth or it could expect only misfortune. Someone wishing to join a household should kneel before the family fire hearth and pray for acceptance and protection from the hearth. Thus, a newly married couple prays to the family-fire on their wedding day giving a flammable offering such as arhi (milk vodka), share tos (Mongolian Butter), or animal fat. They are only properly married after this ceremony; a new household with an Ongon properly established in their home.

     Therefore, Shamans teach that to achieve a stable household one must, “first look to your own person and dignity, next to your household and last to the state”. This means that initially, you should establish social standing, and then build a strong family; only after that can a proper state be created. In order to protect the sanctity of the hearth and fire, when a guest comes outside ger as well as restraining the family dog, the wife should wave a burning stick three times between the fire and the door to prevent anything evil from entering the ger. Mongolian Shamans believed that the fire-hearth. As noted by Dorje Banzarov in 1891, there was a Fire-Deity calling invocation, which sounds is brief like: O, my own Fire-Mother, started by Haan Chinggis striking his flint-lighter (Het); developed by Queen Oulen blowing it properly…” Or, the Sharnuuds, who have mostly revered Tsagaaday, the second son of Chinggis Haan and his queen Tsanhulan, made their calling as “The fire started by Tsagaaday Shaman’s flint-lighter striking and developed by Shamaness Stanhulan’s blowing…”

     On the basis of all these it may be considered that according to Shamanist ideology, the first fire-hearth of the Mongolian United States was started by Chinggis Haan’s flint-fighter, developed by Oulen-Mother‘s blowing, which was cared for and maintained by the Shamans. Consequently, it was customary for the first fire of a new family to be started with flint-lighter and tinder. This custom may date back to ancient times, when Mongolian tribes, including the Hunnu Dynasty, gathered around the state fire-hearth started by their Haans and Queens, hence the survival of these elements in traditions. Therefore, the first fire of a new family, as a part of the state fire-hearth entirely, was started by a high public official such as a chieftain, district ruler or provincial Han. This encouraged the belief that each family’s fire-hearth as a total was united with the State fire-hearth. The first state fire-hearth on our soil was started in 209 BC in Hoshoo Tsaidam, Hashaat Soum, Arhangai aimag of modern Mongolia. So all of the fire-hearts of the ancient Mongolian Dynasties excepting only the Hiatan (whose hearth was in China), including the Sumbe, Great Nirun, Tureg Uighur, Hirggis and United Mongolian State were started, developed and nurtured in Mongolian soil.



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