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Avtai Sain Khan e1692262559153

Tibetan Religion and the Mongols

Gaining control of the southern part of Mongolia had not been much trouble for the Manchu. But it would take them more than fifty years to do the same with the Halh, and more than a hundred years to subjugate the Oirad. The Manchu army alone could not conquer Mongolia. Therefore, the Qing, in addition […]


Inner and Outer Mongolia

In the 17th century, as the Mongol Empire disgusted, the person of the all-Mongol throne was Ligden Khan who, so far, had gained nothing except that seat. The unruly princedoms dissented as ever, with some of them recognizing his khanate as a mere formality, others ignoring him and still, others were hostile. Being the head […]

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Qing Dynasty

In the early seventeenth century the three-hundred-year-old Ming dynasty lapsed into a deep military-political and economic crisis. Its decline became most pronounced during the time of Emperor Chongzheng whose reign was plagued by numerous revolts. Drought, famines, and high takes combined to impoverish the population, which bred unrest and mutiny. The largest rebellion was led […]

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The Halh Mongol

Dayan Khan’s youngest son Gersenzed assumed command of the central heartland of Mongolia, which to is called Halh. After his death, his widow divided Mongolia among her seven sons, which brought about the so-called doloon Halh hoshuu (referred to in historical literature as “seven halh bunners”). A hoshuu is a territorial division, sometimes translated “banners”; […]

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The Oirat Mongols

It was to this time that the distinction between Halh and Oirat Mongols can be traced. Mongols were now split into two parts, the Halh, and the Oirat. Western Mongolia received the name of Dorvon Tumen Oirat or, Dorvon Oirat. The origin of the word oirat is still unclear. While some claim that is derived […]

Chlebowski Bajazyt w niewoli


In the centuries after Genghis, Timur once again reminded the world of the terrible might of the nomads’ sabers. Just when Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty collapsed and the banished Mongols were defending their native lands and being beaten info disunity, Timur Khan, was terrorizing all around him, having built his powerful and uniquely aggressive state […]


Western Civilization

Western civilization is the youngest of all world civilizations. Scholars suggest that it originated around 700-800 A.C. The Western civilization found its true form during the 15th century in Southern Europe and was founded on the ruins created by the Mongols. After the collapse of the great civilizations of Greece and Rome, Europe went through […]

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The Islamic World

The Altaic nomadic societies of Asia played a key role in the expansion of the Islamic world. The Turkic people who originated from Central Asia favored Islam. They assimilated in three waves into the Islamic world, a process which lasted four hundred years. The first wave was conducted by the Seljuk Turks (1055-1092), the second […]

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The descendant for Genghis Khan’s second son Tsagaadai, Babur conquered India and founded the Mogul Empire that survived till the British colonization of that country. The Great Mogul Empire      When Babur became the Emperor of Samarkand, his interest in India grew. Babur was the descendant of Genghis Khan on his mother’s side and […]

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